Devlog #1: Already in progress!

Hello, welcome to the first devlog!

Behind The Wood is a project I've been working on for some time, and I think I'm really ready to share it with some poeple :)

What is it?
Behind The Wood is a game where you find yourself trapped inside an abandoned house, but you’re not alone. A monster haunts the house and will try everything to break through. Your only defense is barricading the windows while searching for notes that will give you simple puzzles to solve in order to progress through the game.

What will you find here?
The game is not finished. Everything you see here is early-stage demos, and most things will change (mainly the game's UI, I know it is not that pretty :D).

What's done so far?


The house is not fully ready yet (as you can see by the textureless roof), but I'm very happy with it. I did some iterations, and I found that a smaller, caustrophobic house would fit this game better than a bigger house. I'm not a professional modeler (in fact, this house is one of my first real models), so, another advantage of this approach, is that I need to spend less time messing with it.

Basic Player Movement/Basic Inventory System

The player can interact with doors, woods, nails, hammers and more. The UI is not that pretty right now, but as I said earlier, this will change a lot.  In early stages of development the doors were meant be lockeable too, but that changed when this house design came to my mind. To protect the windows, the player needs to have some amount of planks, nails and they need to have a hammer too. Oh, and you have a lighter! You will really need this.


The monster is the very new idea I'm working on. It will be very simple: windows have a life and a protected status. If you do not protect them, the monster will simply enter the house and game over. That's the main challenge: you have to keep track of all the windows, and make sure the planks on them are not going to break down, all while doing the story puzzles. The monster idea will probably change, but that's my approach for now.


The mission system is very simple. You will find notes scattered around the house, and you will have to complete puzzles that will lead you towards the end game. I'm still working on them, but they should not be that difficult to make, and I expect to finish them soon. The most sufferable part will be modeling the items that will be present on them, but hey, those are the challenges of developing a game :)

This is the end... (of this devlog)

I'm very happy you invested some of your precious time reading this. I'm having a lot of fun developing this game. 
Fun fact: the idea of the game came from a nightmare I had some time ago. The nightmare was not that fun, but as soon as I woke up, I thought it would be really fun to develop something like this.

The game should be ready to play in about a month (though probably not in its best state). I’ll do my best to post devlogs weekly, so be sure to check back for more updates!

Get Behind The Wood

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